DLC Attorneys

De La Querra Incorporated was established at East London in 2012.

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Specialists in Property Law

Our firm prides itself in our innovative approach to property related services and our unique product offerings.

DLC Incorporated specializes in all aspects of property law, including property sales, bond finance applications and property insurance.

Due to tremendous local support and demand for our unique service offering, DLC Incorporated has enjoyed rapid expansion and currently has 2 (two) offices, with its head office in East London. You can also find us in Port Elizabeth.

DLC Incorporated is also proudly associated and franchisees of 3%.Com Properties in East London and Port Elizabeth

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3%.Com Properties

3%.Com Properties® is a national franchise network of Attorneys and Conveyancers that specialise in marketing and selling immovable property legally and effectively. The operation provides a comprehensive service to property owners and buyers including the valuation, marketing, selling and transferring of residential and commercial property

Read More About 3%.Com Properties

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